Hi! My name is

Viviane Silva



My name is Viviane Renizia Mendes Silva, I'm from the Alto Paranaíba region in Minas Gerais, I'm studying Information Systems at the Federal University of Viçosa - Campus Rio Paranaíba and I've been working as a Data Scientist for almost 3 years.

Data Scientist & Data Engineer

A data professional who loves working with Python and SQL, but always looking to get out of her comfort zone by learning new tools and developing herself more every day.

  • Birthday: December 12th
  • Website: vivianerenizia.github.io
  • Phone number: +55 (34) 9 8719-1870
  • City: Rio Paranaíba, Minas Gerais - Brazil
  • Age: 23 anos
  • Graduation: Sistemas de Informação
  • Conclusion: 2017 - Currently
  • Email: vivianereniziasilva@gmail.com